Lira Exchange – Best Lira Rate Website In Lebanon

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Categories: is not only about showing the Lebanese Lira exchange rate to you. Dozens of apps and websites do so.

Our goal is to show the black market rates along with a quick analysis for you to see and recognize the blatant currency manipulation.

Yes, we use those apps and websites as our source of dollar price, but this is because there is no official destination.

The government and Central bank have given the fate of our currency to the parallel market apps and websites, period.

From the moment we launched in October 2020, it became clear to us after a few months of daily apps monitoring that most of those rate providers are exchangers themselves.

This post will give you a clear explanation of what does in terms of currency monitoring and how we provide you with tips and ideas to make money online using different forms.

Lira Exchange


How Do We Monitor The Black Market?

The process we use is very straightforward. We downloaded more than 12 black market USD to Lira apps and constant monitoring of the Lira rate websites.

The apps and websites including but are not limited to:

  1. (Formerly
  4. Adde Dollar Lebanon app
  5. Sarraf Lebanon app
  6. Lira Exchange (Application which we are not the owners of neither affiliated to)
  7. USD Market

The common denominator of all these “information providers” is that every 3 to 4 of them show the same prices, updates, and notifications sent simultaneously.

What does that indicate? All of them are owned by 3 to 4 currency exchangers.

It is a convenient way to manipulate the rates as they please, considering that every app has more than 100,000 downloads.

Assuming that 500,000 Lebanese have those apps downloaded, the psychological effect of the rate notifications is immense.

Accordingly, the apps can efficiently steer the public sentiment as they please and within minutes.

Moreover, the official exchange platform, SAYRAFA, did nothing to regulate the currency. On the contrary, it pushed towards the USD price increase and gave more control for the unregulated apps.

The last evident manipulation took place when Hariri stepped down. Just a few seconds after his announcement, the USD price jumped from 2,500 to 3,500 points instantly.

Our Mission & Objectives:

In addition to providing daily Lira rate updates and news, we are always looking for opportunities to make money online.

We look for two kinds of businesses:

1- Investment opportunities.

2- Affiliate marketing.

Whenever we find an investment opportunity, we try it out ourselves, see that it works and publish a review here accordingly.

Also, we strongly recommend affiliate marketing as a serious form of building an online business with meager overhead costs.

This very website is built using the affiliate marketing model as this is the way we make money.

The advantages of affiliate marketing are many:

  1. No need for product inventory.
  2. Leveraging the power of SEO.
  3. Free traffic.
  4. A real business.
  5. Commissions can be from 3% to 50%.
  6. Flexible work hours.
  7. Work from home.
  8. Financial independence.

Whatever is the path you chose, we have an opportunity for you. You can find opportunities here:

1- Invest Money Online.

2- Earn Money Online.

Remember to always do your due diligence before starting with your investments or online business.

We Are Different!

Lira Exchange is not your usual Lira price provider. We go above and beyond any other website or app by giving everyone different solutions to make a side income or even go full-time online.

Our promise to you, we will never be involved in currency manipulation like all the other USD to LBP apps. Never!

Feel free to go through the opportunities we show you. Do not hesitate to contact us using our live chat support if you have any questions or inquiries.


NB: We are accepting guest posts. If you are an expert in the financial and economic sphere, please do not hesitate to contact us using the comments box.

Also, For general and business inquiries, please send us an email here:

Furthermore, If you find this post helpful or have any comments, questions or information, please do not hesitate to use the comments box below!

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