USD To LBP Today – 16/7/2021

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Friday 16 July 2021, the USD to LBP today is on a wild bullish ride. We expect the Lira to devaluate even more by tonight as all applications are actively increasing the USD price.

NB: Scroll down to check the hourly currency updates.

Yesterday, Hariri’s step down sent shockwaves across the nation as very few expected that the Prime minister-elect would take this decision.

The moment Hariri announced his step down in Baadba palace, the black market applications and websites increased the Dollar rate in Lebanon by 2,000 LBP in a matter of seconds.

Here you can see the blatant currency manipulation is seen.

How can the dollar increase so quickly and by a massive 2,000 points?

Accordingly, the USD to Lira black market applications and websites are demanded to show daily buying orders to the public.

Moreover, some apps even started sending notifications quoting Hariri’s “Alla Y3in el Balad” to increase the fear of their users and attract more app visits!

Check out yesterday’s closing rates here: Lebanese Lira Exchange Rate Black Market.

The USD to Lebanese Lira currency rates and hourly updates according to the black market website “” are as follows:

USD To LBP Today:

– Buy 1 USD = 22,500 LBP at 18:00 PM

– Sell 1 USD = 22,400 LBP at 18:00 PM

– Buy 1 USD = 22,700 LBP at 17:00 PM

– Sell 1 USD = 22,650 LBP at 17:00 PM

– Buy 1 USD = 22,700 LBP at 16:00 PM

– Sell 1 USD = 22,650 LBP at 16:00 PM

– Buy 1 USD = 23,000 LBP at 15:00 PM

– Sell 1 USD = 22,900 LBP at 15:00 PM

– Buy 1 USD = 23,000 LBP at 13:30 PM

– Sell 1 USD = 22,900 LBP at 13:30 PM

– Buy 1 USD = 23,300 LBP at 13:00 PM

– Sell 1 USD = 23,250 LBP at 13:00 PM

– Buy 1 USD = 23,300 LBP at 11:50 AM

– Sell 1 USD = 23,250 LBP at 11:50 AM

– Buy 1 USD = 23,100 LBP at 11:15 AM

– Sell 1 USD = 23,050 LBP at 11:15 AM

– Buy 1 USD = 22,700 LBP at 10:30 AM

– Sell 1 USD = 22,650 LBP at 10:30 AM

– Buy 1 USD = 22,500 LBP at 9:30 AM

– Sell 1 USD = 22,450 LBP at 9:30 AM

– Buy 1 USD = 21,000 LBP at 9:00 AM

– Sell 1 USD = 20,950 LBP at 9:00 AM

USD To LBP Today




Saad Hariri Full Interview On AlJadeed:

Watch Saad Al Hariri’s full interview with Mariam Al Bassam on AlJadeed. The interview came just a few hours after his step down from the Presidential palace in Baabda.


Intraday Currency News:

Morning Updates:

  • Investing your money for profits does not have to be that hard. Check out this article for more info: How To Invest In Crypto.
  • Read this interesting post about profitable ways to invest in the stock market and make a high return on investment: Best Stock Investment Website.
  • The opening price of the dollar versus the Lira in Lebanon today at 9:00 Am is $1 = 21,000 Lebanese Pounds.
  • At 9:30 Pm, Beirut local time, the black market website reported a huge sudden increase of the dollar rate by 1,500 points. The new rate is 22,500 LBP to the dollar.
  • The second price increase of the USD in Lebanon for today occurred at 10:30 Am. A 200 points increase was reported by the black market website
  • Most black market apps are now publishing a dollar rate of approximately 23,200 LBP.
  • updated the Lira rate by additional 400 points increase of the US dollar at 11:15 Am.
  • A 200 points USD price increase occurred at 11:50 Am, as per

Afternoon Updates:

  • Stable USD price by 13:00 Pm, 1 Dollar = 23,300 LBP.
  • The first 300 points drop in the dollar price for today as per
  • No changes in the Dollar to Lebanese lira until 15:00 Pm as per
  • Another US Dollar price decrease by 300 points occurred at 16:00 Pm, according to
  • The dollar price in Lebanon is 22,700 LBP until 17:00 Pm.
  • The closing rate for Friday, 16 July 2021 is 1$ = 22,500 LL.


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