USD to Lebanese Lira Black Market 20/4/2023: Exchange Rate & News


Today, Thursday, 20/4/2023, the USD to Lebanese Lira black market exchange rate remains stable, with 1 USD currently equal to 97,300 Lebanese Lira at 2:00 PM. The stability of the rate is apparent, despite fluctuations in the political landscape. This follows a period of relative stability in the exchange rate, which has shown minimal changes over the past few days.


Significant Drop in USD Price at 9:30 PM

In a surprising turn of events, the USD price experienced a significant drop at 9:30 PM, with the exchange rate reaching 1 USD = 96,900 Lebanese Lira. This sudden decrease has caught the attention of many, as it deviates from the stable trend observed over the past few days. Market participants and observers closely monitor the situation to determine the cause and potential implications of this unexpected decline in the USD price against the Lebanese Lira.

Yesterday’s Lira Rate: 19/4/2023

For those who are interested in the USD to Lebanese Lira rate from yesterday, 19/4/2023, the exchange rate remained stable as well, with 1 USD equalling 97,200 Lebanese Lira.

This stability in the rates over the past days indicates a certain resilience in the market, despite the ongoing political developments in Lebanon. Be sure to follow our updates for the latest news and exchange rate information, as we continue to monitor the situation in Lebanon and its impact on the Lira rate.

Political Developments in Lebanon

France Steps In

Serious developments have emerged in the presidential elections, with France reportedly taking a lead role. Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri received a phone call from French presidential adviser Patrick Durel, urging him to launch a dialogue effort to pave the way for a presidential election session. French President Emmanuel Macron has also contacted Berri regarding the presidential file.

Franjieh is the Preferred Candidate

According to sources, French authorities have expressed support for Suleiman Franjieh as the most serious candidate, emphasizing the need for a settlement that would enable comprehensive reforms in Lebanon. Franjieh’s recent statements from Bkirki’s podium suggest that he has received French guarantees and is positioning himself as a strong contender in the race.

Paris to Invite Lebanese Christian Leaders

In addition, Paris plans to invite Lebanese Christian leaders to convince them of the importance of endorsing a settlement leading to Franjieh’s election and the appointment of Judge Nawaf Salam as premier. The French are encouraging Berri and Franjieh to launch broad contacts with all the parliamentary blocs to guarantee securing full quorum for any electoral session that might be called for.

Bassil Slams Mikati

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati Criticized

Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil criticized caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati for taking unilateral decisions by signing dozens of extraordinary approvals on his own. Bassil questioned the silence of others on these cabinet sessions, which have been justified under the pretext of necessity.

Accusations of Corruption

He also accused the ministers of discussing a replacement for Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh. Bassil warned that any party or minister who participates in this “crime” is ethically and politically responsible for remaining silent over corruption and for accepting that the country be ruled without the Christian component. He further cautioned that those who accumulate mistakes would “reap an explosion.”

Conclusion: Stability in the Face of Uncertainty

Despite the political developments and ongoing discussions, the USD to Lebanese Lira black market exchange rate remains stable, reflecting the market’s resilience in the face of uncertainty.

As Lebanon navigates these challenging times, staying informed about the latest news and exchange rate fluctuations is crucial. Keep following our updates for the most recent information on the USD to Lebanese Lira black market rate and the developments in the Lebanese political scene.

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