USD To LBP Black Market App – Be Careful!

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Nowadays, all of you rely on a particular USD to LBP black market app to know the dollar price and even make exchanges accordingly.

We previously posted an article about the dangers of using Lira telegram groups to exchange your Lira for dollars or vice versa.

Since yesterday, Saturday 19 June 2021, a disturbing video is circulating on all social media platforms about a Lebanese citizen who used one of the black market apps to exchange Lira for dollars.

Here is the full video:

Be Very Careful When Using The Apps:

As you can see from the video, the man could have easily lost millions of Lebanese Liras in return for counterfeit Dollar notes!

The man mentions that he used one of the Lira black market apps and was contacted by the crooks.

As we have been telling you for the past nine months, the applications and groups are run by a network of mobsters.

Their only purpose is to manipulate the USD price in Lebanon and/or steal money from people.

We urge you always to use common sense when dealing with such dealers.

How To Deal With The Exchangers:

If you have no other way but to use these unsafe means of exchange, you have to put some rules in place.

Below are the things that you should think about before meeting the dealer:

  1. Please bring them to a place where you feel safe, usually somewhere close to home or a crowded place.
  2. NEVER go to where they want you to go.
  3. Always receive the Dollars before handing over the Liras, make sure the money is real then proceed.
  4. DO NOT GO ALONE, be as many as you can, two minimum.
  5. Make sure of the rates and clarify the numbers before going anywhere.
  6. Always remember that there is an organized network of exchangers that is working collectively all over Lebanon.
  7. When you meet with someone, try to register the car’s plate number.
  8. Use chatting on Whatsapp to document and record all the details of your exchange.
  9. If you do not absolutely need to deal with those apps and groups, don’t do it.

What Can You Do To Fight Back?

Relying on our government to shut these crooks down is nowhere near being realistic.

We suspect that many government officials are actually covering these mobsters.

So what can we all do?

First, report the applications on Google Play Store and Apple store as spammy, dangerous, unregulated, and unlicensed.

Google and Apple do take the reports that we send seriously. If we can overwhelm them with a high number of reports, THEY WILL TAKE ACTION!

Second, boycott these apps once and for all by uninstalling them from your devices for good.

Third, if you were scammed utilizing any of these apps and groups, call your local internal security office and file an official claim. You never know. They may act on it.

Is There A Way Out?!

Yes, we as Lebanese people should find a way out of this rabbit hole.

We have to educate ourselves on making money online (Fresh Dollars) from building an online business.

Yes, you read that right. Online business is one solution to our misery so we can live a decent, prosperous life again.

You can start familiarizing yourself with the different ways to do it here:

  1. Build An Online Business.
  2. Affiliate Marketing.
  3. Make Money Online.
  4. How To Invest In Crypto.


Last, we advise you once more to be very careful when using USD to LBP black market apps, and stay safe!


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